Wtf is wrong the the 8va thingy.

• Sep 22, 2024 - 18:38

Under the "Pitch" palette, you have 8va alta, 8va bassa, 15ma alta, etc. These tools used to operate perfectly in previous updates, but recently they started acting F**KED UP. Whenever I adjust them, they jump around all over the bars away from my cursor and are essentially unuseable in this regard. The start point (indicated by the left pink dotted line) also refused to move when I adjust the 8va position. But even when I do get them to start and end where I want them to, the end point refuses to go to the absolute end of a line of bars.

If any developers see this, I'd greatly appreciate if y'all would look into why this recently started happening. Thank y'all for reading if you did

Attachment Size
8va glitch (edit).png 198.68 KB


As usual, a plea to attach the actual score (.mscz file) - not just a picture of the problem. The score contains so much more information for people to deduce the cause of your problem.

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