Combine A Bunch of Rests

• Sep 27, 2024 - 17:59

Hi everyone,

I'm quite new to using Musescore. When I am designing a measure, I like to split the whole rest into a bunch of eighth rests. But after I add notes, I'm not sure how to combine those rests back into a larger rest, they look really ugly sitting there as eighth rests. Is there a way to do this?


Try Tools>Regroup rhythms. Select the measures you want the tool to work on before using it. But be aware that will also affect any non-standard (which standard is moot) note groupings that you have used.

Alternatively you can do it manually by overwriting the rests with rest of the duration you prefer. Enter them just like notes, select the duration and instead of entering with a note name use "0". See… and…

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