chord playback in TAB

• Sep 28, 2024 - 05:04

I added chords to a TAB (linked staff), but they do not play. If I add them the the primary staff they do play. Is that to be expected?

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Here on Mac OS 13.5.2 and MSS4.4.2:  I can confirm that chords symbols in the TAB staff don't play.

I recall that the tablature staff in MuseScore 3.6 didn't emit any sound whatsoever—the linked staff playback came strictly from the linked normal staff. Maybe the behavior you experiencing is an unfortunate throwback to that point in time.

And there was a particular type of dysphonia associated with this. MS 3.6 allowed us to edit properties in the tablature staff, but those edits weren't synced to the normal staff. So they made no difference, much like the mute chord symbols.

I just checked and this issue is extant in MSS 4.4.2 ...

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