Midi output in MS4 and MS3

• Oct 10, 2024 - 16:30

I need to record midi events using a microcontroller. For some reasons I can't record velocities with MS4. All velocities come through as 1. MS4 also seems to output some strange metronome noteons (numbers 76, 77, 77, 77, 76, 77, 77, 77 etc) about each quarter note beat.
When I switch to MS3 (3.6.2), I get nice records of midi events. Velocity 80 for note on and velocity 0 for note off.


So I use MS3.6.2 to get correct midi output. I don't need a MIDI file, I need a MIDI stream. And MS3.6.2 is almost perfect for that.

A strange thing happens when I click on the playback controls. When I click on rewind, I get a stream of noteoff events. When I click play, I get the same stream of noteoff events before the actual playback starts. And when the playback finishes at the end, the same stream is there again. It's a stream of noteoff events from note #29 to #89. That happens to be from F1 to F6, the very keys on my old reed organ. Isn't that a strange range? Modern 61 key synths don't have that range, do they?

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