Help! Some of the triplets in my MIDI file aren't being rendered properly.

• Oct 12, 2024 - 20:14


I wrote some music in Cakewalk Express that has a lot of triplets. When I save the score as MIDI type 0 or 1 and then open the MIDI file in MuseScore, some of the triplets seem to come through but others do not. I think this is a bug. I admittedly have no idea what I'm doing, which is why I use Cakewalk Express to compose in the first place. Help!

Thank you,


Attachment Size
pizzicato2.mid 2.09 KB


Also, where the import process didn't assign each note the correct length, when I select the three notes that I want to be part of each triplet and then click the triplet button in the toolbar, instead of them being combined into a triplet, each note becomes the start of its own separate triplet. Maybe that's the intended functionality but it's very confusing.

Attachment Size
triplets.png 75.08 KB

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