Scordatura in violin does not sound

• Nov 26, 2024 - 02:51

The top staff is a scordatura violin using the Muse Sounds solo violin patch (Violin 1 (Solo) patch to be precise). The bottom staff is the same thing except I used the soundfont that comes built into Musescore, namely MSBasic. The scordatura note doesn't sound using Muse Sounds (Violin 2 (Solo) patch doesn't work either) but does sound using MSBasic. Is that by design or is it a bug? Thanks!
scordatura test.png
(using version 4.4.3 for Windows 11)

Attachment Size
scordatura test.png 20.75 KB
scordatura test.mscz 19.5 KB


In reply to by bobjp

That was my first thought, but the Muse Sounds viola sounds good but cannot seem to properly play rapid lines, and the MSBasic viola sounds like an 8-bit arcade viola. Doesn't matter anyway since the piece is for solo Violin, which in Muse Sounds sounds very nice indeed.

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