Problem with Dynamics

• Dec 13, 2024 - 17:43

The new MuseScore version ( which is 4.4) has a new problem with the dynamics. Whenever there is a crescendo or dimunendo (including hairpins), during playback if there are staccatos (or any articulation) on the notes, it will sustain the notes that the hairpin covers (making them an infinite duration unless the playback is paused). Here is a following example of where this problem persisted in my scores:

Screenshot 2024-12-13 103807.png
Screenshot 2024-12-13 104008.png

These quarter notes in this scherzo have staccatos on them, and are sustained, which kind of makes my ears hurt too (but what hurts the most is the fact that the playback is all messed up).

I hope this problem does not persist and would be fixed as soon as possible.


In reply to by cheeseschrist

I listened to most of 17 without hearing an issue. Is there a particular place?
My score works because of the way I set it up. I first applied the dynamics. Then I range selected the notes in between (but not including) the dynamics and applied the hairpins. Plus I always put a dynamic at the end of a hairpin, just to be safe.

In reply to by cheeseschrist

Played fine for me. If you put your audio in a zip file, you can post that. What happens if you reenter the dynamics and hairpins in measures 9-12? And a dynamic in 13. Odd as it may seem, sometimes something earlier in the score can cause this. I recall one time someone put (or it was leftover from a down load) a pizz in a tuba part. The part played normally until about 20 measures later when it held a note till the end of the piece.

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