Issue with stuck tones in playback

• Dec 14, 2024 - 12:08

I'm writing an organ piece at the moment. In the playback of a part of it, I experience stuck notes, which sound out over multiple bars, where they are marked only as staccato fourths or eighth. I have appended the relevant section of the piece as a file.

Happy bug hunting.

Attachment Size
Demo.mscz 49.76 KB


There does seem to be some problem showing up with staccato notes in the latest release. In your case, The pedal part after the allegro. Measures 12 through 15. A few notes of the same pitch followed by a change of pitch. I removed the staccato on the note before the pitch change. I.E. Measures 12 and 13, beat 4. Measure 15, beat two. then those measures played properly. Sometimes. I don't know if this has been reported or not. In the mean time, what can you do? I'm still messing with it.

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