Muse Sounds Manager - Linux - How do I add stuff
This maybe a daft question but I cant figure it out.
Muse Guitars Vol2...( On Linux Machine)
How do I get this in Linux ?
The MuseHUB buttons on the website do nothing (no application)
The MuseSounds Manager dosent have a list new stuff section. And its not in the displayed list ?
What am I missing ?
I think you must buy and download it via MuseHub
In reply to I think you must buy and… by Pentatonus
Thats exactly the problem.
I cant open MuseHub to buy anything as its not available in Linux ?
In reply to Thats exactly the problem. I… by paulfurze
Linux users cannot buy commercial libraries. By design.
In reply to Linux users cannot buy… by graffesmusic
Is Musescore not continuing Linux support ?
In reply to Is Musescore not continuing… by paulfurze
Good question.