Horizontal frame behaviour - Key signature changes

• Dec 26, 2024 - 21:11

Hi there,

I have not read through the forums, so apologies if this covered somewhere, but I have had this issue a long time (though I haven't had much time for score-making in recent years).

I uploaded a file to illustrate my concerns.

I have not yet ever wanted to have a line like the first line, but if I did, it would be great if the tie acted as if it were a new line after the horizontal frame.

My main concern though, is going from line 2 to 3. I have often wanted used a horizontal frame to change the ending indentation on just one line, but whenever there is a key signature change, I lose the warning at the end of the line, despite the toggle still indicating to show it. (The tie does the right thing though.)

Thank you,


Attachment Size
horizontal frame behaviour.mscz 23.28 KB


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