How to write solfa notation on musescore, Instead of note...?

• Jan 14, 2025 - 05:58

My name is Jafary fro Tanzanaia.

I have tried to search but I have been completely unable to write solfa notation, please can I get help on this...


Enter at least some notes normally.

20250114 154716 - solfege 1.png

Select the notes you want to change to Solfége. Go to the Properties tab (upper left, yellow) and click on Notation / Note (green) / Head (blue) / Show more (orange).

20250114 154716 - solfege 2.png

Then make a selection from Notehead scheme (yellow). The two options you want to consider are "Solfége movable do" (green) and "Solfége fixed do" (blue).

20250114 154716 - solfege 3.png

"Solfége movable do" refers to how Americans (and others?) use do as the movable major root. You'll see in my example that I've written three measures of a C Lydian mode (1 sharp). It makes G the root, the "do".

20250114 154716 - solfege 4.png

"Solfége fixed do" refers to how many Europeans use it, as note names, with do as "C". Oddly, although the F is sharped, it is still notated as "Fa". I had thought it would be "Fi" or some such.

20250114 154716 - solfege 5.png

[A few moments later] : Ahh, now I remember, it would be written (in French) as "Fa dièse", literally "F sharp", or as "Sol bémol", literally "G flat", in the appropriate language.

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