Cautionary accidentals are suddenly no longer displayed in the part

• Jan 16, 2025 - 10:38

The problem starts in bar 277 when I worked on the piano. Since that time no cautionary accidental is displayed in the parts.
Is there any possibility to solve this problem?

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4153-V4_4_4.mscz 726.22 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The effect persists if you disable concert pitch, i.e. courtesy accidental will NOT reappear in parts if you then deactivate concert pitch.
This issue is reproduced if:
1. Concert pitch is activated when you enter courtesy accidental
2. Concert pitch is activated only in Full score or only in Parts, but not both.
3. When you enter courtesy accidental, parts are already generated

The issue is the same for transposed and non-transposed instruments.
The issue is not observed if accidental changes pitch.

In reply to by HildeK

I have seen on Github that there have been difficulties getting the control of synchronisation between score and parts to work correctly. I couldn't see anything that related specifically to courtesy accidentals. I suggest this should be raised there on Github as a new issue.

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