Anytime i change the output of where playback is like plugging in headphines i have to completle restart the programn
Anytime i change the output of where playback is like plugging in headphines i have to completle restart the programn
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This is true. Make sure you output is all set before you open MuseScore. If you must change after the program is open, make sure to save, close, change, and restart. That's just the way it works. My Sibelius is the same way.
In reply to This is true. Make sure you… by bobjp
kinda lame. i used to use sibelius and it never gave me an issue writing between outputs
In reply to kinda lame. i used to use… by rileydavis321
There were no problems with MuS 3 either. And with MuS 4, as far as I know, only with Bluetooth devices that are set to different sampling rates (44.1kHz <-> 48kHz).
If you connect wired headphones, there are no problems here either.
In reply to There were no problems with… by HildeK
i was using wired headphones. i did have problems with mus 3 with the same issue
In reply to There were no problems with… by HildeK
I definitely had the same problem in MuS 3 and I've been told that both Sibelius and Dorico have the same issue. (I've never tried either, so can't speak from experience.)