Lost in the MuseScore Maze: Studio, .com, .org… Oh My!

• Mar 19, 2025 - 20:06

Task 1:
Tried to remove the "cloud save" on all my cloud scores in MuseScore Studio — couldn’t find a way.

Task 2:
Headed to the MuseScore forum to search for an answer. Before that, I got hit with this gem:
"There is no forum in Norwegian, try English" (or something like that). Suddenly, everything switched to English.

While trying to change the language, I found this:
"The musescore.com website is available only in English. For your convenience, you can translate the website using online translators. The MuseScore mobile app uses the default language of your device."
…Helpful. Btw, I’m on a laptop.

Anyway, searched for "delete cloud save" and got this:
"Not really a MuseScore question. You'd delete the score like any other file, not via MuseScore."

WTF? Non-answer. Also, why is everything called MuseScore? Good job, MuseScore (or should we thank Guitar Hero? Or MuseGroup? Or Muse-whatever-you’re-called under your confused musewing).

Task 3:
Fine. I’ll delete the scores from the website — musescore.com or .org? Never could remember. But first, I need to check if I have local copies before I accidentally wipe everything.

Task 4:
Check what scores I have. Should be easy — just open the scores folder, right?Except… why are there multiple copies of the same score? And no previews when scrolling through them. Now I have to open each one in MuseScore Studio, which clutters my "recent scores" menu — a menu I can’t clear or organize, naturally.

Comment #1:
Why does MuseScore create two copies every time I open a file? If I wanted duplicates for version control, I’d prefer that to be my decision.

Comment #2:
Why do landscape scores look like they’ve been shoved into a corset?


MuseScore.com=the place cloud scores get saved to. The general score sharing site.

MuseScore .org=the place you Get the software MuseScore Studio, and support for same. No you can't delete scores from MuseScore Studio because it doesn't save any within the software. So yes, you need to go to your scores folder. Why two versions of scores. No idea. Each should be dated and list a size to help identify them. I think the best way to save a score is not by just hitting SAVE. Rather use Save as with a version number. That way you have control over what goes where.

Don't worry about the recent scores menu. it isn't the actual scores. just a list of what you have opened.

If indeed two scores open at a time then I suspect that you need to go to Help and do a factory reset.

Sorry about the language problem.

In reply to by bobjp

I'm'a guess that the two copies is from 1) an earlier-version opened by current version MuseScore Studio and then 2) a current version saved by current version MuseScore Studio. I've seen that sometimes when i'm opening older scores. -- Hmm, maybe not. I've seen that on the Scores tab in MuseScore Studio, not in the folder where I've saved the files.

This page--How and where to ask for support--describes what's going on at the three sites in question and where to report problems with what sort of issue.

The website to delete scores from is definitely and only musescore.com. No scores are stored here on musescore.org.

There are several forum pages in languages other than English: I've seen German, Spanish, French, and Italian, but apparently not Norwegian: sorry.

Re: downloading the files: I would simply download ALL the scores from your musescore.com page. Save them into a new folder. Deal with sorting out which ones are newest version later.

You actually can clear and edit the Recent Scores list but it's a pain in the @$$. I would not recommend this unless you are very much more than a little comfortable with your computer! bobjp's comment that it doesn't really matter is correct. However, if you really want to, reply to that effect and I'll give you the directions.

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