MuseScore crashed and I can't open the score I was working on
I was working on a new score for an hour or so, and then the whole application just shut down unprompted. I didn't have a chance to save anything. This was before I installed 4.5 by the way. When I right click the application and click "Show Recents", all of my score files pop up, and I can only open a couple of them. There is one called "not_uploaded_0.mscz" that I think might be the one I was working on. I cannot open it. Someone help please!! I've already reset the application to factory settings. That fixed a bug I was having a while ago but this one has not been resolved.
> "I was working on a new score for an hour or so, ... /I didn't have a chance to save anything."
In an hour, you should have saved somewhere between 3 and 6 times. "Remember: Save early! Save often!" :-)
Include the "not_uploaded_0.mscz" file. Provide your computer's operating system and the version of MuseScore (Help / About MuseScore) you have ... make that "had" installed at the time the problem occurred. If you have upgraded to 4.5 since then, I fear it's highly likely that your work is lost. So, crossing fingers!!!