
• Mar 24, 2025 - 18:52

I read the manual about adding slurs and have no problem with adding them. But suppose in addition to a couple of notes in the soprano voice, you want also want to add a slur to the alto voice. (Or both tenor and bass, for that matter). Let's say to the soprano part slurs from a G note to an E and the alto from an E to a middle C. I have read the manual and it's no problem adding to one or the other, but I am unable to do both the wat the manual explains. I have been copying and pasting. Is there any other way?


In reply to by Pentatonus

Thanks for your reply. I tried it and it didn't work for me. All I got was a slur connecting the two second voice notes. I did a little experimenting. I clicked the first note of the second voice and pressed "S" to get a slur. I then clicked the "flip Direction" button to the right of "Triplet" at the top to get the slur above the notes. I then clicked the first note of second voice again and pressed "S". This made two slurs.

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