Drag-select individual notes in chords

• Dec 6, 2014 - 10:49


When working with repeated chords, it would be very useful to be able to select the same note in many adjacent chords (see picture), e.g. in order to change the pitch of that one note. Unfortunately the current Shift-drag selects all notes in the chords. As far as I can tell, there's no way to perform the described selection, other than to Ctrl-click all of the notes individually, which is obviously time-consuming and error-prone.


From peeking at the code a little bit, it seems like this would be a very easy change to implement. For example, the attached code, which makes Ctrl-Shift-dragging select individual notes while not changing the present behavior for Shift-dragging, seems to work, and was used to make the above screenshot. Though this is the first time I've looked at the MuseScore code, so it's very possible I'm missing something important.

In any case, I think the ability to drag-select individual notes would be a useful feature to have.

I'd also appreciate it if someone could tell me how to select notes like this with the current behavior.

Attachment Size
snapshot1.png 11.14 KB
patch-lasso-simple.diff_.txt 3.66 KB

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