musescore on winxp versus fedora

• Jan 19, 2010 - 17:23


I have been using guitar pro 5 on windows to enter tablature. It has export to musicxml, midi, etc.
I tested the xml files with musescore and had some problems with runtime errors while trying
to play the files. I have taken a look at the mscx file and it would seem that it may be a
variation on musicxml. If I wanted to try and debug the problem with the exported guitar pro
musicxml files what should I be looking at?

I have started testing musescore on fc11 (fedora) but it is too soon for any comparisons.
A problematic xml file on windows is playing ok for now.

I would like to install musescore stable 9.5 on fc12. I looked at the instructions for
ubuntu but made a mistake. cd /usr/local/src/mscore-xx/ then make
It compiled fine. Is the correct make command make release? When I tried to
run make install - it complains about the build directory. Also it would be great if
there was a source rpm available on sourceforge.



Can I conclude that the xml file you had issues with on Fedora and not on Windows, means that the MuseScore version was Windows was a more recent one?

Regarding the build process on Fedora, you could either try to contact Seve who is the MuseScore maintainer for Fedora, or either leave a message on the Fedora Forums.

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