differents / interaction ? in Show cortesy key signature (inspector or general style page) and General style Accidental

• Dec 29, 2014 - 15:38

Documentating Key signature, I show no differences with ticked box Show cortesy (in Inspector and General Style) ..... Do anyone see a difference and when it appears ...?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Open the attached score I found on musescore.com (I just add a little key sig in 25
click on that key sign that shows naturals , tick or untick Show cortesy, nothing happens....
(it is the same if you don't switch between flats and sharps but with only less number of flats or sharps) ....

Is that normal ? Is that because it is a score found on musescore.com ?

Attachment Size
The_Magic_Flute_Overture.mscz 209.18 KB

In reply to by Zynette

Click on the key sig in measure 25, untick Show courtesy and the courtesy key sigs at the end of measure 24 are gone. Just what I'd expect.

What I don't expect is that they don't come back when ticking Show courtesy again, that seems to be a bug.

And indeed it is strange that selecting the courtesy sig at the end of measure 24 does not react at all on the tick/untick Show courtesy. Might be a bug, or a mis-feature ;-), the fix may even be to not show that option in Inspector.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It has been observed before that it is weird to have a "show courtesy keysig" on both the real key change and on the courtesy keysig.

The bug I see here is that turning off "show courtesy key sig" on measure 25 actually *changes* the key signature, from two sharps to three flats. I suspect the score is already corrupt. Was it ever saved in a pre-beta-2 build of 2.0? If so, the corruption might be the result of a bug already fixed. The apparent key change at measure 18 is one thing that makes me suspect the score is corrupt.

Hmm, I'ble to reproduce this in a score from scratch. I'll see if I can retrace my steps and post an issue.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

#42851: Key signature disappears upon toggling "show courtesy" for both key sig and courtesy

It's not *quite* as bad as it seemed at first - the problem only occurs if you try turning off the "show courtesy" option on the the courtesy key signature itself. The score is then corrupt at some level from then on, even if you then toggle the "show courtesy" back on after realizing it didn't seem to have any effect. So a simple fix would be to disable the "show courtesy" checkbox for courtesy key signatures (just as "hide courtesy" is already disabled from the context menu normally).

Ultimately, it might be nice if the option did what most would expect it to do, though - hide the selected (courtesy) key signature itself. But actually, this seems weird - a checkbox in Inspector that has the effect of essentially removing the object you are inspecting? No, I think just disabling the checkbox is the way to go.

In reply to by Zynette

Happy new year to you and everyone else here too!

The reason I was curious about whether the score had previously been edited in an earlier build was to make sure we understand how it got into the state it is in now. Assuming it for there because of this same bug - at some point you toggled the courtesy option, which corrupted things, then you saved - then I feel more confident the fix I created for that bug will prevent this from happening in the future. And I think that's very likely the case.

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