Melisma with only one note in the next system

• Dec 30, 2014 - 03:38

Hi everyone! I was really happy when I read the musescore 2.0 handbook and found out the bug involving melismas not carrying over systems was fixed, but to my dismay I still have one problem. When the second system only has one note in which the melisma would go under, I cannot for the life of me get it to appear. I attached an image showing the problem.

Any help or workarounds would be appreciated!

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Not sure where you saw something indicating this has been fixed; unfortunately, as you can see, it has not. It may yet happen for the real 2.0 release, but if not, hopefully soon afterwards. See #3961: Melisma line over system break and subscribe to be notified when the status changes. There are also some interesting workarounds suggested there.

In reply to by michael.morphew.9

If by "you can get" you mean, using the Ctrl+Space workaround described in the issue thread, that's not changed from 1.3, is it?

Anyhow, from what I know of the implementation - it requires this section of the code to be largely rewritten - I'd give this no beter than a 50/50 chance of being addressed for 2.0. But it seems a strong contender for a 2.1 release.

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