bad tie behavior in 2.0

• Jan 11, 2015 - 21:22

There's a bug in 2.0 involving ties in the presence of multiple voices. The attached file has a tie between a whole note in voice 2 and an eighth note that occurs in voice 1 only a half-note later. So not only is the tie going to the wrong voice, but it's occurring half a measure too soon. The tie should extend instead to the dotted half note in voice 2 in the following measure, and that's what happens in 1.3. The misbehavior happens both in 2.0 Beta 2 and in nightly build R.83622b0.

bad tie behavior

correct tie behavior

(The placement of the whole note in 1.3 is problematic, but that's another issue. 2.0 is much better in that regard.)

Attachment Size
2.0 tie.jpg 16.71 KB
1.3 tie.jpg 16.2 KB
tie bug.mscz 7.93 KB


Hmm. I can force the tie to extend as expected (double click, drag the end point until it reattaches). So I was curious how you created it.

I found that if I enter voice 2 first, it works as expected. The tie is created correctly, and entering the first voice subsequently doesn't mess it up.

But if I enter voice 1 firs,t then when entering the second voice, pressing "+" indeed does the wrong thing. It creates the note to tie to properly, but then adds the tie to the first Gb it sees rather than the one it just created.

Does this match your experience? I'll submit the bug report if you like; I just want to make sure that I am understanding the conditions that lead to the bug correctly and that I am not missing anything.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The only difference between what you describe in your 3rd paragraph and what I did was that I added the tie after entering all the notes of voice 2, by selecting the whole note and clicking the Tie icon on the Note Entry toolbar.

I'm still a new user so I haven't learned all the keyboard shortcuts and best practices yet.

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