can't change Music Top Margin in current Nightly

• Jan 28, 2015 - 13:13


Windows 8.1 u1

1. Create new score or open existing score;

2. Try to change Music Top Margin;

3. No change is possible.


Unless something just changed last night, I think you'll find it *does* take effect - but only literally at the top of the the page, not between the music and a frame that might happen to be above it. For 1.3 this parameter served double-duty as a way of controlling space between vertical frames and the music. Now it does not; to alter the distance between vertical frames and the music, you use the vertical frame bottom margin setting. That setting existed in 1.3 also; it's just that the space below vertical frames used to be affected by *both* settings. Now they are independent. Music top margin for the space between music and top of page, vertical frame bottom margin for space between music and vertical frame.

I am not sure if this was deliberate, but it does seem an improvement to me, actually.

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

As I stated, I *did* try it out - just with a build a few hours older. It only broke earlier today. I simply thought you were confused by the change in behavior from 1.3 as someone else had been a few weeks ago.

EDIT: actually, my branch was a few days old; the change that broke this was a few days ago, it seems.

Anyhow, I have found the typo that broke this, will make fix. Thanks for reporting!

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