Possible integration with Kangas Sound Editor software?

• Feb 3, 2015 - 17:10

Hi there,

I am responsible for some open-source software known as Kangas Sound Editor
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/kangasound/?source=directory), and I was wondering whether any MuseScore contributors would consider developing a link between MuseScore and Kangas Sound Editor (KSE) that uses the existing XML interface of KSE? The rationale behind my request is that KSE uses a frequency-ratio system (Just intonation) with a MIDI start pitch to anchor the JI system in place, but doesn't yet have an interface that allows conventional music notation to be used. My feeling is that conventional music notation should be handled outside of KSE in a program such as MuseScore that has been modified to be able to send (via XML files) KSE note and sequence (roughly corresponding to bars) data, with embedded chord-groups (a looser concept than music chords, notes within a KSE chord group need not be played at the same time). MuseScore would need to have a user-editable JI table of frequency ratios (see http://www.phy.mtu.edu/~suits/scales.html for an example), and prior to exporting to KSE XML would need to prompt the user for a tonic note (needed to set the MIDI start pitches in the KSE XML and anchor the JI system in place).

If you, as a contributor or group of contributors, are interested in doing this, how much would you want for this? I am considering re-running my Kickstarter campaign
and I would make this a stretch goal of the new campaign.

I hope to hear from an interested contributor soon.


Some additional information:

An XSD (XML Schema Definition) file for the Kangas Sound Editor can be found at:


While not the best documented schema, I would help anyone who was willing to do the integration work. Exporting from Kangas Sound Editor 4.2.0 (the latest release) would be a way to see examples of the schema file, and there are some downloadable examples available from:


Regarding the "How much?" question: I do not know how difficult it would be to modify the MuseScore software to do this, but in any case I am aware this isn't a trivial task. How about, if I were to set a stretch goal in my new Kickstarter campaign of £7000 (GBP)? Should this goal be reached, I would pay half up-front, and the remainder on satisfactory completion of the work. Would this deal be enough to entice a MuseScore contributor or group of contributors to do the work?

Finally, if you have any questions about any of this, feel free to ask.


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