8va doesn't work after 1st measure in playback

• Feb 3, 2015 - 23:08

I've read through a few older posts where users had the same problem, but I have not been able to solve it yet. I created my project, put all of the notes in, and then added the 8va marking to each staff of the one voice that needed it. I first moved the bracket to the end of the staff by double-clicking and then dragging the handle to the end of the staff, and when it didn't work, I tried moving it by pressing Shift+right arrow key. I also tried saving the score, quitting Musescore, and restarting it. Still no luck; the playback only raises the pitch for the first measure, and then drops it back down to where it's written. Any ideas how to fix this?



Generally that is caused by not extending the line in the appropriate manner. You most likely clicked and dragged. Rather than that, extend the line using shift and rt. arrow. :)

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