[playback] Different dynamics for different piano staves should be respected

• Feb 4, 2015 - 21:55

Currently if you place a forte marking in right hand staff and a piano marking in the left hand staff, both staves play at the same dynamic, basing on the last one placed.



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That wouldn't normally happen deliberately - if a request is deemed inapparopriate for any reaosn, it would simply be closed. Probably some sort of computer glitch.

Anyhow, it already is the case that you can have separately dynamics for both staves in 2.0 builds - see the "Dynamic range" setting in the Inspector. "Part" is the default, as it should be - most piano music would use only a single dynamic marking between the staves and mean for it to be applied to both staves. But if you have a case where you want independent dynamics, simply attach the markings to the proper staves and set their range to "Staff".

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