Can not access chord name styles in Application/MuseScore/styles folder

• Feb 12, 2015 - 18:16

Hi, I'm looking for the Jazz chord name styles. I can not set the General Settings-Chordnames-Chord description file to the Application/MuseScore/styles folder and therefore can not access the chord name styles.

Your assistance would be most appreciated. Thank you!


What version of MuseScore?

If you are talking about one of the experimental prelease 2.0 builds, then you aren't really supposed to use those old files any more. Instead, Style / General / Chord Symbols, just click the "Jazz" radio button. The old files are provided for compatibiltiy with older scores only. They are no longer needed. Settings the "Jazz" option now lets you do anything that used to require choosing between the different variations of those files.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It worked, but I'm not sure why. Maybe a bug?

I'm using MuseScore v 1.3 on Mac Yosemite. My interface is different. When I click on Style-Edit General Style-Chordnames, then click on the folder after Chord description file, it looks in my default file directory and can not find the Styles folder.

Strangely, after I clicked Load Styles and chose a style sheet, I went back and the Chord description file correctly found the Styles folder....

Thank you for responding!

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