The Violoncello bugs at Win7 64-bit

• Feb 23, 2015 - 15:29

Hey Guys,
ich just downloaded the release of Musescore 2.0 and tried to let it play a song with a violoncello and then I noticed, the notes were resonating... I tried it with my father's Mac and everything sounded very nice :D Besides, on the Mac the program was quite nice, but you should add a button for shortcuts and settings (or haven't I just found it?)
And please excuse my english, I'm still a pupil and trying to improve my english :D


I'm not quite sure what you mean about a bug with violoncello. Could you post the score you are having problems with, and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem?

It's possible you are simply hearing the normal effects of the "reverb" used by the synthesizer in MuseScore, and you might prefer to turn it down using the controls in View / Synthesizer.

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