Dashed (or dotted) slurs?

• Mar 16, 2010 - 23:25

In some cases, to indicate a slur is an editorial addition, a dashed (or dotted) line is used (Lilypond has this feature). It is probably not needed very frequently, but there is no way around when you need it (adding parentheses to slurs looks very clumsy!); as dashed/dotted pens are built-in in most graphic library (QPen included), it is probably not very complex.

An example is attached from Schott's edition of Bononcini, Divertimenti da camera.


Attachment Size
dashed_line.png 21.34 KB


You are right: I just discovered the new feature in the source while looking for a way to add it (!).

Isn't this a miracle? A program which satisfies your requests even before you think of them!


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