Jazz chord symbol problem

• Mar 14, 2015 - 19:22

There is a problem with font when You choose the jazz look of chords. There is only one font in this look and its impossible to change it.


Welcome aboard....

What version of MuseScore? What's your OS (operating system)?
What font do you wish to use? Can you post an example?

For MuseScore1.3 see:
"MuzeJazz" is the font used when you replace the stdchords.xml with jazzchords.xml.
If you use stdchords.xml, you can change the font to something else.

For MuseScore2.0 (soon to be released) see:

For chord names in MuseScore2.0 see:

There's a world of difference in how chord names are parsed and recognized by the new 2.0 version compared to the 1.3 version. Fonts can be reasonably changed, so long as you don't expect a text font like Arial to produce triangles, slashed circles, superscripted numerals, etc.
So what, specifically, do you want to do?


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Standard works correctly so I was thinking that it should work on jazz too. I choose "jazzowy" becosue I thought that there is a differance in writing chords like half diminished.

This is the differance between 1.3 and 2.0 (both styles)

There is the same font (New Real Book Chords) and as You see in 1.3 works as I want. So I was thinking that it should works on 2.0 as well and this is the thing.

The "Jazz" style uses the MuseJazz font; it ignores the font you have selected in your text style (although it does use the *size* and other attributes) you select in your text style. This is no different from 1.3 when using any of the non-standard xchord description files, so I don't understand the problem, even after watching the video. It appears to do exactly what it is supposed to do - it creates chord symbol in the brand new Jazz style, that didn't exist in 1.3 (athough it is based on the 1.3 "cchords" chord description files). if you want Standard style, simply leave that setting alone.

If you still think you are seeing some sort of problem, please post the score you are having problems and try to describe the problem is in more detail.

Note the that MuseJazz font used in the Jazz style within MsueScore is very similar to the font you are trying to use; similar enough that I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference. So while it is true that it isn't using the font you selected, it makes no difference, because they are so similar. From your video, it appears you might be using a specially modified font in which even though the font size is set to 12pt, it's actually much larger. But that's non-standard. If you want a larger font, you should simply increase the size in the text style dialog. So no need to change the font in that dialog, but just increase the size.

If you do for some reason to need to use that particular font, just stick with the "Standard" style, and then things will even more like 1.3.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I see the differance between these two fonts. Actualy it doesn`t matter what font i want to use. I just want to say that you can not edit the "jazz" style font just like you do in "standard" style or in 1.3. For me it is some kind of issue. Not major, but still.

In reply to by Stassdd

Are you *sure* you see a difference? Which characters specifically look different to you? Can you post images showing a visible difference? There really should not be any differences visible to the human eye, if the font you are using is the one I am familiar with by that name. They should be virtually identicial in the characters they have in common - and MuseJazz will have *many* more characters available as well. There should be no advantage whatsoever in using that particualr font you are trying to use.

Anyhow, it is true that if you use the brand new "Jazz" style - whose only purpose is to produce superscripting and other special handling - this requires the MuseJazz font to work correctly, because it is the only font where MuseScore knows the specific sizes and positions of the various glyphs involved.

Again, 1.3 did not have this brand new "Jazz" mode, so there is no limitation compared to 1.3. If you really do think you see a difference between the two fonts and it bothers you, then you can have the exact same behavior you had in 1.3 by simply not using the brand new "Jazz" style, and instead using the standard style - the only style that was available in 1.3.

In reply to by Stassdd

I'm not sure how you are trying to add the triangle symbol to your chord symbols, but 1.3 did not support that at all *except* when using MuseJazz as you font and when using the "cchords_sym" chord description file. So whatever you were doing to froce MuseScore to accept the triangle glyph from you font, it wasn't actually working correctly - the chord was not properly being recognized as a chord symbol, wouldn't transpose, etc - it was just plain text. So if you're comfortable with that, you can continue to force MsueScore to use any glyph you want into your chord symbol, using whatever approach you were accustomed to using in 1.3. Unlike in 1.3, the results *will* at least still transpose even though they won't be properly recognized and thus won't export correctly to MusicXML, etc.

So anyhow, once again, yes, the brand new Jazz style that didn't exist in 1.3 only supports the MuseJazz font, because it is specially tuned to perform its superscripting and other adjustments based on the specific metrics of that font. In order to use your own font, you need to use the Standard style of chord symbols, just as in 1.3. And just as in 1.3, if you want to insert special characters into your chord symbols that MuseScore won't recognize - like the non-standard triangle and flat signs used in the font you are trying to use - you will have to insert those glyphs manually, just as you presumably did in 1.3, and this will break the chord recognition system, just as it did in 1.3.

In reply to by Stassdd

Hmm, that shouldn't have been possible in 1.3. Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are doing. Can you post a 1.3 score that uses this font and those symbols where transposition is working correctly for you? As I said, it shouldn't really be possible, unless, I suppose, if you had defined a custom chord description file to make it work - in which case, that same custom chord description *should* work in 2.0.

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