Can't type "m" in Mac version

• Mar 29, 2010 - 16:05

My friend and I are both new users. He is using the Mac version. I am using XP. He cannot type "m" in text fields like lyrcis or chord names. I have no problem typing this character. "m" is the only chacter he cannot type.


In reply to by David Bolton

As reported on 2-Mar-10 in thread #4817, this problem was probably introduced in beta 2.

lasconic related that he had recently added M/m as a shortcut for the Mixer, and this shortcut has effect even when you try to type lyrics etc. He immediately identified the bug and said it would be fixed in the next version.

Any guess when the next version is?
-- Guy

In reply to by galms

We did try clearing the m shortcut, but Preferences > Shortcuts > Clear did not appear to do anything. Is that another bug?

My friend also complained that he could not type the accents he needed for French lyrics, but we didn't have time for me to investigate so I didn't report anything. Should he/we be able to include special characters in lyrics?

We are both new to this sort of software, and he has only had his Mac for a couple of weeks so our first instinct is that we are doing something wrong.

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