Show allotted space for each segment & default positions within them

• Mar 22, 2015 - 18:58

Every item placed in a score has a bounding box. It would be great if we could see these boxes, edit directly these space allotments, and position the graphics visually. Any item could then be locked into their position in their segment, no matter how the measures are respaced.

It would great if we also had a default positioning (left, middle, up, down, etc) for rests inside their segments so we don't have to manually bring the rests to a visually better position each time...


I'm not quite foloowing what you mean - can you post a specific score with a specific problem that you think you be improved? In particular, I definitely don't understand what you mean about needing to manually move rests. you are again talking about trying to create some sort of non-standard layout? The default placement shold be pretty standard as is, except in some multivoice contexts where the vertical positioning algorithm we use is simplistic (always the same vertical adjustment for each rest type). But you can't fix that with some sort of "default positioning ... inside their segments" - that requires changes to the algorithm itself.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It seems like Musescore likes to put the rests at the beginning of their allotted space (segments). Except for the whole note which is placed at the center of the measure (which of course is standard notation)! :?

A simple option to set the default position of these rests (in the center of their allotted space, for example) would prevent me from having to reposition every single quarter or eighth rest in an orchestral score (which can only be done after all measures have been laid out by MuseScore)...

In reply to by harbinger

So, you are referring to whether a rest that occurs at the same time as a note is *centered* or *left aligned* relative to that other note? Do you have a specific authoritative source for your implication that what we do is not standard? Gould surprising doesn't say a whole lot about this sort of thing, and we are slightly charting our own course by centering rather than left-aligning whole and half *notes*. While not totally standard, it is not without precedent. But I've never heard of a precedent for what you are suggesting - centering *rests*. As far as I can tell, both Finale, Sibelius left align rests, as does the published music I have consulted. Is there some specific reason that you "have to" deviate deviate from this?

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