Volta 2 not performing properly

• Apr 3, 2015 - 13:56

Using Windows 7, Musescore 2.0.0 revision 6e47f74 Capture.JPG

I just downloaded this. I was using 1.3. I uninstalled it completely, and then installed 2.0.0.

Voltas do not seem to be working in 2.0. I finally made a very small sample (see the attached CAPTURE.JPG).


4 measures. Repeat is set to 2. Volta 1 is set to 1. Volta 2 is set to 2.

Play it. It plays measure 1 (nothing), then 2 (1st in the repeat), then 3 (volta 1), then 4 (volta 2) (herein lies the problem). Then it repeats and plays 2 (1st in the repeat), then 4 (volta 2) (as it should skip volta 1), and then ends.

Volta play back in 1.3 works fine.


Attachment Size
Capture.JPG 17.17 KB


We can't play a jpg...
But the 2nd volta should be after the end repeats bar (or rather the end repeats bar in the measure before the volta). I don't think 1.3 was behaving differently
Also no need to remove 1.3, it does coexist peacefully with 2.0

Edit: I tested with 1.3, and it indeed doesn't play this properly, in the 1st round it play the 1st and 2nd volta at the same time.

I showed the very simple score so whom ever could recreate the problem easily in about 20-30 seconds. If you can recreate the above score easily, and try it, and it does as I say, then there is a problem. If you can not recreate it on your system, then possibly there is an error somewhere in my system.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ok, yes, I got the same result. Try my test.1.3 on 1.3 It will play measure 1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, stop (which I feel is correct) test.2.0 will play measure 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5, stop. It plays the thing that I only want to play during the 2nd repeat during the 1st repeat also. Maybe I am not stating this clearly. If not, I do apologize. I feel measure 4 should only be played during the 2nd repeat. Is this correct?


Attachment Size
test.1.3.mscz 1.82 KB
test.2.0.mscz 3.97 KB

In reply to by JayGo

Well this is a different case than the one your image showed.
And indeed 1.3 plays this as you apparently intended, 2.0 does not.
But I don't think this
is a proper notation.
However it may well be a regression that 2.0 doesn't play it the same way as 1.x.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I know it's passed a bit of time, but this actually is proper notation; it is used to avoid writing again the whole passage when the only variation is in the middle and not at the end. If it were at the end, well, we would use the "open on the right" volta 2.
The problem showed i this image still persists to date.

In reply to by KiottoPokoKiotto

Actually, the "open on the right" volta is meant for the last volta, the closed voltas are for all but the last. Voltas as ending are the only universally accepted types - check a vairety of sources on music notation and you won't find many sanctioning their use anywhere else. Nevertheless a few publishers here and there have elected to use this non-standard notation, and we do support the notation, just not the playback for now. As mentioned above, perhaps at some point this will be supported.

Thank you for your comments. It is appreciated. If the notation is not correct, then I have a question. If I want to repeat a series of measures 5 times, and have 1 measure in the repeat be played just a bit differently during each repeat, how would I do that without having to repeat the whole series of measures 5 times. In 1.3, the volta solved this problem very well. Maybe in 2.0 there is another construct that I have not discovered yet.


I see that I am actually using "VOLTA" incorrectly, but, I would like to request this as a future enhancement. You can call it VOLTA+ (ha ha), because the playback is very close right now. Just refine the playback a bit to make a volta only play if the repeat iteration is equal to something in the voltas repeat list.

Something you can use as a test case is the attached Repeat_Test.1.
It should play measures 1, 2, 3, 7, then 2, 4, 7, then 2, 5, 7, then 2, 6, 7, then 2, 3, 7, then 2, 4, 7, then stop.

attached Repeat_Test.2 is the error when a volta is the last measure of a repeat. We already saw that 1.3 (and 2.0) really mess this up during playback.
It should play measures 1, 2, 3, then 2, 4, then 2, 5, then 2, 6, then 2, 3, then 2, 4, then stop.

Thank you for your consideration in making this a new/future enhancement. I do believe that others would find it useful also.


Attachment Size
Repeat_Test.1.mscz 4.66 KB
Repeat_Test.2.mscz 4.58 KB

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