undefined class Effect

• Apr 4, 2015 - 10:32

I tried to compile musescore today (using xcode on my mac) and it is reporting lots and lots of errors.
I was trying this with upstream/master. Is that branch supposed to be compilable?

For example, the first problem (of many) that I see reported is that the file freeverb.h defines a class as follows:

class Freeverb : public Effect {

float roomsize, damp, width, sendLevel, wet;
float newRoomsize, newDamp, newWidth, newSendLevel, newWet;
float wet1, wet2;
bool parameterChanged;

But there is no Effect class.
There IS an Effect class in the Ms namespace, but not one in the global namespace.

Can someone please explain the working model to me.

1. which branch sha1 should I use if I want to compile and experiment with a new feature?
2. are there expected to be compiler errors? are developers supposed to simply ignore these and hope everything works?

Many thanks


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi lasonic, thanks for offering to help.

For the moment regardless of the error log, can you explain to me where the class Effect is supposed to come from. I cannot find such a class defined. There is an Ms::Effect but no Effect class defined in the top level namespace. It is referenced in the file freeverb.h. Could it be that xcode is complaining but that the class (Freeverb) which references Effect is never used? In that case shouldn't it be either fixed or removed?

I was compiling from upstream/master, not from master. Is that a problem?
the sha1 sum I'm compiling is e679edab534a7b283aaf6bbf84bd2c9ef02d59dc
but I also tried 42bdb5f01efea1f31565f3d9153160747a466828
with the same results.

You ask whether I followed the instructions? Yes, but the instructions don't really describe how to compile with xcode.

You ask for an error log. I'm not sure how to get an error log from xcode.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi lasconic, I've done a little investigation and I cannot figure out how to get the "full error log" from xcode. Can you give me a hint about how to get that?

Also you wanted to know which versions of macos and xcode I'm using.

I'm using Yosemite 10.10.2 with xcode Version 6.2 (6C131e)

freeverb is currently not part of MuseScore. The code does not compile und has to be fixed.
Start with moving class Freeverb into the Ms namespace or derive it from Ms::Effect.

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

Hi Werner, thanks for the info.
So you are suggesting that I fix this and submit the fix?
Or are you suggesting I fix this in my workarea, and maintain my own fixed copy without submitting it back?

BTW do the developers really want to maintain files which are known not to work?
Shouldn't this file be moved to some other development branch?

Such issues could make it hard for new developers such as myself?

Any thoughts?

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