Change Lyric Font in 2.0

• Apr 8, 2015 - 14:38

Hi all!

In version 1.3, I could right click on my lyric text, select all, text properties, and all the lyric text would change. Now when I do this, only the first word changes. How do I adjust the lyric text font for all my lyrics at once?



A little clarification:

For new scores created from scratch in 2.0, then changing the text style is all you need to do. Right click any text element, Text Style, make your change, and it automatically applies to everything. Or do it from the Style menu.

For scores created using 1.3, the text formatting is already "baked in" to the text, so you need to remove it first. That's where the right click, Select / All similar elements, then Reset to Style is needed. After that, you will be able to maker subsequent changes just using the text style.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Using MuseScore 2.0.2 under OSX 10.10.5 (Yosemite), this did NOT work for me.

I had about six hundreds of Lyrics words, each of them in a "Times" font though "Lyrics odd lines" and "Lyrics even lines" styles were set to "FreeSans".
I could change a few of them with right click > Text Properties... > Reset to Style

But I would have spent hours to change all of them by hand.

I tried Marc's proposal:
on a word, right click > Select > All similar elements
then on the same word right click > Text Properties... > Reset to style
but I was faced to the bug that it changed only the clicked item rather than all the selected items. :-(

As I'm a computer scientist, I decided to fix it using some computer tools.

First of all, I saved the score using the musescore uncompressed format ".mscx"

Then I opened a Terminal window (you can use any shell window under OSX or Linux, or Cygwin under Windows) and typed the following command (the dollar sign is the Terminal prompt):

$ grep font my_score.mscx | wc -l

Ok! 607 strings to change! By hand? Hum...

$ grep font my_score.mscx
<text><font face="Times New Roman"></font>la</text>
<text><font face="Times New Roman"></font>neige</text>

As you can see, the strings "la" and "neige" are set with the "Times New Roman" font.

I used the "sed" command to replace any occurrence of "<font face="Times New Roman"></font>" with nothing, reading the file "my_score.mscx" and writing the result to "my_score_new.mscx":

$ sed -e 's|<font face="Times New Roman"></font>||g' my_score.mscx > my_score_new.mscx

Then I opened the new score file with MuseScore and got it all fixed!

I hope this can help any other users facing the same problem, at least until the bug is fixed…

In reply to by jack-mac

Glad you found a way, but actually, you misinterpreted my instructions (which were not sufficiently clear), that is why in didn't work. After the "select all similar", don't use Text Properties to reset to style, use the *Inspector*. This will truly affect them all, not just the first selected element.

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