Cued Parts

• Apr 11, 2015 - 21:36

Hey! This may have already been asked, but how do you make cued parts in a piece? I don't know how to do it if this feature is there. If it isn't, that is understood. Thanks in advance.


Dpeneds on what exactly you mean. I think of a cue as small notes on an otherwise normal staff placed to show a player what is going on in some other part. So copy the passage from the part that has the actual notes to the part where you want it be cues, then use the Inspector to first restrict the selection to just the notes (press Notes button), then mark the passage small (using Chord / Small rather than Note / Small, so the stems and everything are made small). if you are also concerned with playback, then uncheck the Play box.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello Marc,

I have included cue notes in my Bando score. It seems to me that MuseScore 2 thinks that those measures and staves are corrupted.

I have seen your how to ( The thing is: I cannot recognize anything that doesn't add up in the measures and staves called corrupt in my score:

Measure 24 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4/8; Found: 12/16\nMeasure 24 Staff 6 incomplete. Expected: 4/8; Found: 12/16\nMeasure 28 Staff 6 incomplete. Expected: 4/8; Found: 9/16\nMeasure 43 Staff 6 incomplete. Expected: 4/8; Found: 1/8\nMeasure 43 Staff 7 incomplete. Expected: 4/8; Found: 7/16

My assumption is that MuseScore somehow adds cue notes, representing the Bandoneon voice that I added to the violin and the piano staves, to the violin and piano notes. Is that what you think as well?

If so, what do I need to do to NOT have those cue notes added in the counts? After all, they are just indicating what another voice is playing. The violin and piano notes do add up correctly to 4/8.


Attachment Size
Bando-Partitur_V4.mscz 123.47 KB

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