musescore's Music XML + . . .

• May 8, 2010 - 02:26

How good would musescore + MusicXML be to transcribe (and annotate) songs (lyrics and complete accompanying music)?
Also, do you know of any program to somehow extract audio files such as AIFF tracts and convert them to some kind of MusicXML format?
Thank you


I don't understand your first question. MuseScore is good enough to create a song with lyrics and score. Check the demo folder in your MuseScore installation or the Made with MuseScore forum.
MusicXML is just an interchange format.

There is no tool able to do audio to score... Some are claming to do some magick but none actually work. You can have some results with mono melodic audio but barely usable. The best program to do audio to score is an human one and still it will not be perfect, a score being a personal representation.

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