numeric keypad doesn't work with Musescore2

• Apr 20, 2015 - 20:04

I'm a long term user of Sibelius and I just keep a Windows7 box for that purpose. Hoping to move completely to linux, I tried Musescore today, version 1.3 in UbuntuStudio. Then I spotted a kindly reference to Musescore2 on the Sibelius forum so decided to upgrade from the ubuntu standard.

The upgrade proceeded easily and quickly but once into Musescore 2, I can't get note durations to work from the numeric keypad. Note duration does work fine from the main keyboard (top line).

I've searched through the manual, faqs etc. It would be very inconvenient not to have the numeric pad available. It's working on all other applications and it was ok in Musescore 1.3 so I'm wondering if I've missed a setting somewhere ?


To bring a little, possibly temporary, closure to this thread, the workaround seems to be to change the shortcuts.xml file in ~/.local/share/data/MuseScore/MuseScore2/shortcuts.xml

A file which can be used was suggested by ABL in thread :

and this appears to restore my numeric pad to correct operation.

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