Recorders' range

• May 16, 2010 - 13:32

I speak only about BAROQUE recorders I own, a descant (soprano in C) a Treble (Alto in F) and a bass in F.
The Renaissance recorders doesnot have same range...
The in F :
F (f1 for this purpose) (all closed) to C (C2) (all left hand closed and half thumb hole): easy
D(3) and F(3) are more difficult than E(3)
F#3 is very difficult (mut close the hole at the bottom of the recorder
G3 is quite easy
G# is difficult and higher or lower due to the recorder
A B C : some say these are playable...
See attached muse score
All comments are above the note(s) commented
Idem for a C flute a 5th below

Attachment Size
portee flute en fa.mscz 2.41 KB

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