Barré line thickness of fretboard diagrams don't response

• May 5, 2015 - 06:06

Barré line thickness of fretboard diagrams don't response.
When I set "Barré line thickness" to 0.5, nothing change
Is this a bug or what did I do ?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


@Nicolas: Thank you, now I know what it is. And it work for me.
@Jojo: It is not bug because this thickness is thickness of line of clamping finger,
not thickness of line of fret board


To create line of clamping finger:
+ right mouse on fret board (what added into score)
+ select "Fretboard Diagram Properties..."
+ click left mouse to select fisrt point on fret board in dialog
+ hold down "Shift" key and click left mouse to select second point

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