Note Movement does not Maintain Correct Key Signature
At times when moving an already created note up or down on the staff, the program will mistakenly change the note to a sharp or flat even when that does not correctly fit the current key signature. For example, the key signature is Gmajor, which has an F sharp. If the note on the staff were a G, I would move it down to the F line, where it should stay normal without any accidentals because all Fs are sharped. However, the program automatically (and incorrectly) moves the note back to the G line and makes it flat - essentially playing the same note, but this way of writing out the note is incorrect with the key signature.
Yes, I've had this problem for a while, but I just decided to use the note input mode to just avoid the whole situation. Now however, I need to make a triplet and it does this no matter what I do.
If you are using the latest version 0.9.6 of MuseScore then the down arrow intentionally favors flats the up arrow intentionally favors sharps as noted in the handbook. See Accidental .