Lyrics Top Margin

• May 12, 2015 - 14:17

I would like to see a "copy" of "Lyrics Top Margin" included in Inspector. A quicker way to adjust when notes are in the way.


"Lyrics top margin" is a style setting, which applies to the entire score, not something that applies to an individual syllable. But vertical offset does, so use that? That is exactly what it is for.

In reply to by rwmol

I don,t follow what you are saying but Style settings - like the lyrics top margin - affect all elements of a given type. Those already in your score as well as those yet to be created. Settings made in the Inspector affect only the selected element. So, margn sets the *default* distance, the vertical offset is an override for individual syllables.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. I know all that.

Let me give you an example: Let's say you have a score with a number of notes below the lower ledger line. The "Lyrics Top Margin" sets the lyrics to a specific value below the lower leger line. Being this is a preset value, it's probable that the lyrics will be entered on top of any notes below the leger line. You can go to Style>General>Page and reset the value. I thought if there was a way to link "lyrics top margin" within Inspector it would be an easier way to accomplish this.

In reply to by rwmol

And I've tried to explain why this wouldn't work. The Inspector is for individual elements, but Lyrics Top Margin is a style setting, affecting the entire score.
Vertical offset is a setting per element and the way to go here. Unless you want all lyrics lower, then use the style setting.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"Unless you want all lyrics lower, then use the style setting." My issue.

I'm in a four piece jazz band, with a vocalist. I transcribe all the sheet music for our gig book. Multiple pages are a bit of a problem. I try and squeeze the most I can into one page as shown in the attached score.

I guess I'll use my current method of entering all the lyrics on one system and Select>Same System to put them in the space I want them.

Attachment Size
They Can't Take That Away From Me.mscz 33.16 KB

In reply to by rwmol

Lyrics Top Margin does not set the distance to lowest note - it is simply an additional margin added to the vertical offset specific in the Text style.

So I don't don't quite understand what you are saying, but I don't know how to put it more simply: if you wNt to affect all lyrics - pastm present, and future - use a style setting. If you want to affect a specific syllables or selected set of lyrics only, use the Inspector.

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