Danish Handbook

• May 27, 2015 - 20:35

I would very much like to help translating the Handbook into the Danish language which seems to have been started, but there are still a long way to go.

I have many years of translation experience, have written and translated numerous documents about IT and electronics in or from both Danish, German and English and have done a lot of training.

My wife is a piano teacher for more than 25 years, and I am trying to help her using my IT/electronics skills in terms of Sheet Music scanning and database, and help her using the Sibelius software donated to her and her college teachers by the local Music School.
I am seriously considering promoting the Musescore software to the Music School because I beleive it will do more than they need, and the Sibelius Suite does have a heafty cost that we have not even begun to use.

Consequently the Handbook and Danish language support is very important, and while I have learned over many years to work with English and German Manuals, a Music Teacher is concerned about Music and their Pupils, not what all their daily terms are called in another language. It MUST be in a local language (Danish) to catch their interest, and I would very much like to help secure that'll happen and become possible.

Best rgds



I have just added translation rights to your MuseScore account jnymand.
So now you will see a translate block in the right sidebar.

Please check out the translation instructions and let me know if you have any question at all!

Welcome on board!

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