Bug in Aligning Text for Lyrics? Ver 0.9.6

• Jun 27, 2010 - 14:30

Is there a bug in the alignment of the Lyrics text in Ver 0.9.6?

If you go to the Edit Text Styles window and choose either Lyrics odd lines or Lyrics even Lines, and try to change the align from the default "centered", or the default "top" button, it will not change. It'll always revert back to the default .

Am I doing something wrong? This is very important because often the lyrics doing have a melody note to go with them, so you have to left justify the lyrics to align with the first note in the measure, and perhaps a few words follow the first note that have no melody notes to attach them to. With the default "centered" alignment, I have to pad empty spaces in front of my lyrics to try to get my first lyric aligned with the first melody note so that the remaining lyrics can trail off after that note properly, which forces a lot of empty padding at the beginning of the measure. So you see I really need to be able to left justify (align) the text.

Also, what's the difference in Lyrics odd lines and even lines? Why have 2 different text styles for that?
And what does the System Flag check box do?

Thanks for your help.


Oh - I'm using Windows XP Pro. I did a search and found someone else had the same issue (reported in the General Discussion forum) and apparently there was not a response? This post was back in 2009 titled something like "left align lyrics issue" or something like that.

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