Tuplet bugs

• Jul 23, 2010 - 01:58

IDK if this is a known issue, but I have lots of problems with tuplets.
It's happened to me when I had multiple staves, and one of them had tuplets.
Suddenly, the tuplet disappears and some notes are moved to the next measure, and the lyrics disappear, and the measures get confused (for example: the time signature is 4/4, but the measure that had the tuplet and lost it only has 3,5 tempos). It gets weird.
And then, when you press delete multiple times and click on multiple note values to try to correct the problem with the measures and succeed, you add the tuplet again. But when you click to add notes, it creates notes on the bottom stave with tons of extra lines above it.
It just messes up the whole thing, all because of some tuplet! D:

I hope I was clear. =P



I'm on Windows 7 64-bit but this has also happened on Windows Vista 32-bit and Windows 7 32-bit.
My version is 0.96.1 but it's happened in versions 0.95 and 0.96

It may be useless to add a "me too" here given that I don't have the requisite protocol for a bug report to be taken seriously -- i.e., a precise summary of the steps necessary to reproduce the bug or documenting the process in a screencast -- but it may be of some comfort to the original poster to know that I've had the exact same experience.

In my experience with deletion of material containing tuplets, the number of beats in that measure of that staff becomes confused or scrambled in just the way described. The time signature in Measure Properties remains unaffected, but (to use the hypothetical 4/4) the notes and/or rests no longer add up to a full four beats. The "missing" value cannot be reinserted, and efforts to "fix" the problem result in it spilling over into the subsequent measure.

A solution I've found to work is to remove the contents of the measure in question (in the staff in question) and attempt to replace it with a whole rest. (The whole rest seems to reset the capacity to subdivide into a full measure's worth of notes and/or rests of whatever values.) If a whole rest can't be re-established in the measure, though, it's entire structure needs to be removed (i.e., via selecting and using CTRL + DELETE rather than plain DELETE).

I think that this troublesome issue might be avoided with foresight, though I'm not certain. Anyway, the precaution I'm now taking whenever I delete music containing tuplets is (1) to visit each tuplet group individually, (2) to right-click on one of the notes of the group, (3) select Tuplet ..., and (4) select Delete Tuplet. As usual, YMMV.

In reply to by David Bolton

I know it's not hard to make a screencast, the problem is I don't know how to generate the problem. If I did, I would've said what the steps are already.
And the description by that other person (I'm sorry to call you "that other person") is exactly what I mean.
So it appears the problem happens when deleting tuplets? I really don't know, I just saw the problem after it'd happened, not while it happened, that's why I can't make a screencast or describe it perfectly.

Dear everyone,

I noticed the same problem on the Dutch forum. Please don't ask further for OS, MuseScore version or screencasts, I tried in windows XP, XPpro and Vista.
Just let me know if you can notate what follows without any problem:

-mesure is 2/4
-first note is a quaver
-followed by a triplet of quavers
-complete mesure with a quaver

If you can, we have hope.


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