Text frames – cut, copy, paste issues

• Jun 17, 2015 - 20:20

See attached file.

Click (once) on the text in the lower text frame and copy it using Ctrl + C. Now click once on the (blank) upper text frame and paste using Ctrl + V. As you can see, the text has appeared in the text frame but its height has remained the same!

Save the file, close it and now open the file again. The copied text has disappeared!

Note that if you try to paste by double-clicking into the text area of the upper text frame and using Ctrl + V, nothing happens!

Attachment Size
text_frame_paste_issue.mscz 9.53 KB


I'm surprised it appeared to work in the first place; it's probably a bug in itself that a copy/paste after a single click appeared to work at all.

Copy and paste works if you double click in the first frame and actually select the text, then double click int he second frame before pasting.

Feel free to file a bug report.

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