Non-linked guitar staff/Tab should also be Grand Staff

• Jun 23, 2015 - 10:19

Musescore designates a Guitar Staff and its linked TAB staff as a Grand Staff. This is an invaluable feature as it gives the user an extra degree of control over spacing, independent of the rest of the score (see Grand Staff Distance setting ).

But I have also noticed that if the tablature is associated with the conventional staff but NOT linked to it, then MuseScore does NOT treat the two staffs as a Grand Staff and the user loses that all-important control over "grand staff distance" that s/he had with linked staffs.

Suggestion: Allow all associated guitar staff/TAB pairs – whether linked or unlinked – to be designated as Grand Staff.


Incidentally, what is the default setting for XML import of staff/Tab pairs? My experience is that the pair is unlinked. This means that the user again loses the "grand staff distance" option (under style > general > page).


The difference is not whether they are linked or not, but whether they are for the same instrument or part.

You can have guitar normal and guitar tab as separate instruments with one staff of their own, in which case they are not acting like a grand staff or have guitar normal and guitar tab as two (or more) staves of one instrument, linked or not, and they will act as a grand staff.

So what you are suggesting is possible already.

No idea about XML import, esp. whether XML does provide means to mark staves as being linked, or as being part of the same instrument.

Check the attached...
Guitar 1 contains a normal staff, a linked tab staff and an unlinked tab staff, these 3 form a grand staff
Guitar 2 is a normal staff, unlinked
Guitar 3 is a tab staff, unlinked

The difference is whether you use 'Add instrument' (no grand staff) or "Add staff / Add linked staff" (grand staff)

Attachment Size
Guitar.mscz 15.23 KB

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