attempting to open score hangs muse core

• Jun 24, 2015 - 05:23


I was working on this score when MuseScore suddenly hung. I opened a terminal and ran top to see what was happening and MuseScore had one processor pegged at 100% CPU util. After a couple of minutes of waiting to see if it would resolve, I had to force close the application.

Same thing happens if I let Musescore attempt to restore the previous session (from a temp file maybe?) or open the file in the regular way.

I'm running OS X Yosemite 10.3, 2.66 GHz Intel I5, 8GB RAM

I'm attaching the score. It's not a terribly long score, but I'm terrible at charting so it took me longer than it should have and I'm hoping not to have to start from scratch.

Will Menton

Attachment Size
Velocity.mscz 18.53 KB


Hmm, it opens in tyhe blink of an eye for me. However, I am using a current development build which contains some fixes made since the release of 2.0 and 2.0.1 that might be relevant. I see a couple of mismatched repeat signs - closing repeats with no matching open repeats - and also a DS thast contains no indication of where to stop. Perhaps those are causing problems on your system. I have attached another version of the score with these problem markings removed. Does this load better for you?

Attachment Size
Velocity.mscz 16.53 KB

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