Guitar arpeggio

• Jun 30, 2015 - 03:23

Hi, Gang!!!

As you can see into the attached file, you have the E mayor guitar chords, played four times.

The first time is a simple 6 notes chord (all the 6 guitar strings sounding at the same time), without any "decoration" mark.

All the others are arpeggios.

BUT... In my PC, at least, I can't note any difference between the arpeggio simple, the staccato and the staccatissimo.

It seems like MuseScore doesn't use the staccato (or staccatissimo) in this situations (more than one note at a time, in the same instrument).

Am I right? Or... What did I forget? ???

BTW: Isn't supposed the sign to staccato and staccatissimo should be on the upper side of the notes? ???



Attachment Size
Guitar Chord Test.mscz 4.04 KB


Looks like arepggios probably don't combine well with staccato for playback, feel free to file a bug report on that.

Regarding placement - no, the correct placement for staccato is normally next to the notehead, except in cases of multiple voices in which case it is stem side.

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