Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error (Runtime terminates in an unusual way)

• Jul 6, 2015 - 22:06

Dear all,

since Musescore2 I have the problem that upon certain operations I get the error message from the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library saying that "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contant the application's support team for more information." After this it crashes displaying an APPCRASH in the module Qt5core.dll (exception 40000015 at offset 0000e951).

On my system this error reproducibly happens whenever I open the master palette (either by pressing Shift+F9 or by pressing Shift+T to insert a custom time signature which is what I actually wanted to do).

It also happens when I right-click on the time signature of any score and then click on properties.

I've just installed the most recent version (2.0.1 rev b25f81d) but the problem persists. I'm running Win7x64 in case that matters.

Any ideas?
Should I file a bug report (issue)?



Can you post the specific score you are having problems and precise step-by-step instructions to reproduce the problem? There's not a whole lot of point in posting a bug reprot until we have a reliable way iof reproducing the problem.

It is possible somehow your palettes have become corrupt, or you have soemthing incomaptible left over from an earlier experiemntal pre-release build. Try following the instructions for "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbok.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah, I am sorry I did not know about the option to reset to factory settings. This indeed solved the problem.

I didn't post any score since it was not related to any score, even after freshly starting MuseScore with nothing (but a blank score) open the problem would appear.

But as I said, restoring to factory settings helped. Thank you very much for the very quick reply!

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