Mandolin Tableture Support aka No Love for Bluegrass?

• Jul 14, 2015 - 17:09

I notice that there is no support for Mandolin Tableture. There is support for other bluegrass instruments and for other stringed instruments (guitar, bass) but none for this critical Bluegrass tool. There is also no Bluegrass Stationery.

How about some love for the Mandolin and this uniquely American genre of music?


PS- Italians also love the Mandolin and there is a great deal of classical music featuring the mandolin.

PPS- I suppose it is too, TOO much to ask for a generic Tableture which we could customize for odd things like alternate tunings of the ukulele, the Irish Bouzuki (which is tuned like a cello), the various other members of the mandolin family: mandocello, octave mandolin, tenor mandolin, mandobass, and the various members of the banjo family: alto banjo, tenor banjo, and banjobass, not to mention the weird mandosexual banjolin, and twelve string mandolins.

PPPS- I'll just go export my violin line into a specialized tableture program which supports the mandolin, but I won't be happy about it.


Sarcastic ? :)

Mandolin tablature is supported out of the box.

* Go to File > New
* Enter Title and press Next
* Click Choose Instrument
* Choose All Instruments instead of Common Instruments or search for mandolin with the searchbox at the bottom and choose Mandolin Tablature
* Next a couple of time more and you have a 4 string tablature

For the other instrument you mention in your PPS, you can change the number of strings and the tuning of each string, so it should work. See

We have mandocello and a couple bouzoukis but without the tablature because we lack the knowledge on number of strings, standard tuning and notation good practice for these instruments. We also have banjo tablature. Feel free to give the information if you know these instruments and we will add tablature instrument if they are missing.

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